File | Notes |
hello_linux_world.c | hello world in both 32 and 64 bits |
flock.c | Linux finally has a system-wide lock manager with queuing |
gcc-32-bit-compile-on-64-bit-rhel.txt | Native 64-bit compiles are easy; 32-bit compiles are less so |
procmail (coming soon) | a few demo scripts to intercept then process email (coming soon) |
sequencer.c | a helper application for use with procmail and munpack |
crc8_demo_100.c | create a static data table |
crc8_demo_101.c | use the table to generate a crc8 for specific data |
mysql_demo_01.c | mysql demo to test building an app in c (gcc) |
mysql_demo_02.cpp | mysql demo to test building an app in c++ (g++) |
File | Notes |
gmtserver.cpp | gmtclient.cpp (from the old currenttime demo in samples) gmtserver.cpp (works from Apache cgi-bin without a plugin) |
calcserver.c | calclient.c (from the old calc demo in samples) calcserver.c
build Apache from sources (coming) |
shows how to build a second copy of Apache so you can use apxs rather than gcc
Typing: "yum install httpd-devel.x86_64" will provide apxs click here for a detailed overview |