OpenVMS Source Code Demos
1000 %title "DEMO_LOCK_DLM_100.BAS"
%ident "version_100.2"
! Title : DEMO_LOCK_DLM_100.BAS
! Author : Neil Rieck
! Created: 00.04.03
! Purpose: to demonstrate the use of the DISTIRBUTED LOCK MANAGER method to control access to a shared resource
! Notes : in this demo it is assumed that this process needs exclusive write access to an array in memory (this would
! almost certainly be a global page file where OpenVMS was used to map memory over a data file). The location we wish
! to lock is row 33 column 66 so we will just make up a unique name that reflects that cell.
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 100 NSR 000403 1. original work
! NSR 050901 2. modified to compile correctly without needing "[.inc]"
! calls: $enq enqueue (async)
! $enqw enqueue wait (sync)
! $deq dequeue
! $getlki get lock info
! lock modes: lck$m_nlmode null
! lck$m_crmode concurrent read allows shared reading
! lck$m_cwmode concurrent write allows shared writing
! lck$m_prmode protected read allows shared read but no writers
! lck$m_pwmode protected write allows shared read but no other writers (other than self)
! lck$m_exmode exclusive allows no sharing with others
option type=explicit ! no kid stuff
%include "starlet" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! system services
%include "$ssdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! ss$
%include "$lckdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! lck$
%include "$lkidef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! lki$
declare long rc% !
record lock_block_rec ! define a new data structure
word lock_condition ,! &
reserved ,! &
long lock_ident ,! lock id# &
byte lock_value(16) ! (only required with flag: lck$m_valblk)
end record lock_block_rec
declare lock_block_rec lock_block ! now declare our variable
! SYS$ENQW [efn] ,lkmode ,lksb ,[flags] ,[resnam] ,[parid] ,[astadr] ,[astprm] ,[blkast] ,[acmode] ,[rsdm_id]
! place a "null" lock (OpenVMS will make an entry in the lock manager if one doesn't exist)
print "-i-enqw nl"
rc% = sys$enqw( ,! efn: &
lck$k_nlmode ,! lkmode: null; just indicates an interest &
lock_block ,! lksb: &
,! flags: &
"DEMO_LOCK_DLM_3366" ,! resname: name of the protected resource &
,,,,,,, )
print "-e-enqw nl rc:",str$(rc%) if (rc% and 1%) <> 1%
! convert our "null" lock to a "protected write" lock
print "-i-enqw pw"
rc% = sys$enqw( ,! efn: &
lck$k_pwmode ,! lkmode: protected write &
lock_block ,! lksb: &
lck$m_convert ,! flags: &
"DEMO_LOCK_DLM_3366" ,! resname: name of the protected resource &
,,,,,,, )
print "-e-enqw pw rc:",str$(rc%) if (rc% and 1%) <> 1%
! convert our "protected write" lock to an "exclusive" lock
print "-i-enqw ex"
rc% = sys$enqw( ,! efn: &
lck$k_exmode ,! lkmode: exclusive &
lock_block ,! lksb: &
lck$m_convert ,! flags: &
"DEMO_LOCK_DLM_3366" ,! resname: name of the protected resource &
,,,,,,, )
print "-e-enqw ex rc:",str$(rc%) if (rc% and 1%) <> 1%
print "starting work (30 seconds)"
sleep 30 ! do some work
print "finished work"
! convert our "exclusive" lock back to a "null" lock
goto dequeue if 1=1
print "-i-enqw nl"
rc% = sys$enqw( ,! efn: &
lck$k_nlmode ,! lkmode: null; &
lock_block ,! lksb: &
,! flags: &
"DEMO_LOCK_DLM_3366" ,! resname: name of the protected resource &
,,,,,,, )
print "-e-enqw nl rc:",str$(rc%) if (rc% and 1%) <> 1%
! remove "our interest" in this resource
! SYS$DEQ [lkid] ,[valblk] ,[acmode] ,[flags]
print "-i-deq all"
rc% = sys$deq( ,! lkid: &
,! valblk: &
,! acmode: &
LCK$M_DEQALL ! flags: &
print "-e-deq all rc:",str$(rc%) if (rc% and 1%) <> 1%

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.