OpenVMS Source Code Demos
1000 declare string constant k_program = "mysql_demo13"
! title : mysql_demo13.bas
! author : Neil Rieck ( )
! : Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
! created: 2017-08-17
! OS : OpenVMS-8.4 (Itanium2)
! notes : 1) this program was derived from MYSQL_DEMO12.bas and shows how to copy string
! data from "C" to "BASIC"
! 2) unlike MYSQL_DEMO12.bas which conconcatenates record fields onto each line
! of the array, this demo places individual fields onto individual lines. It uses
! a larger array but dispences with field delimitors
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 13 NSR 170817 1. original effort
! NSR 171121 2. bug fixes in the data presentation area
option type=explicit ! no kid stuff
! passing notes:
! 1) passing "string desc" passes the address of a VMS-style string descriptor
! 2) passing "string dim() desc" passes the address of an array descriptor which contains
! dimensions as well as the address of the stored data (a
! list of string descriptors)
! 3) passing "string dim() by ref" passes the address of the stored data (a list of string
! descriptors) so you need to provide array dimensions
external long function NSR_CONNECTOR( long by ref , &
long by ref , &
long by ref , &
long by ref , &
string by desc , &
string dim() by ref , &
string by desc )
declare long rc ,&
test ,&
i,j,e ,&
r,c ,&
rows,cols,stat ,&
max_rows ,&
max_cols ,&
max_elements ,&
string sqlMsg$ ,&
sqlCmd$ !
goto main !
! init
! note: unless specified otherwise, declared arrays always begin
! with subscript zero
init_arrays: !
1100 dim string a$(max_elements) !
return !
! main
1200 main:
print "-i-program: "; k_program !
rc = 0 !
max_rows = 999 ! 0..999
max_cols = 3 ! 0..3
max_elements = (max_rows+1) * (max_cols+1) ! compute maximum elements
gosub init_arrays ! allocate memory
sqlCmd$ = "select user,password,host from user" ! return these three fields
print "-i-BASIC calling C ==============================" !
test = NSR_CONNECTOR( rows, ! returned rows &
cols, ! returned columns &
stat, ! returned sql status &
max_elements, ! pass size of array &
sqlCmd$, ! sql command &
a$(), ! data will go here &
sqlMsg$) ! sql message
print "-i-now back in BASIC ============================" !
print "-i-status:";stat !
print "-i-msg : ";sqlMsg$ !
print "-i-rows :";rows !
print "-i-cols :";cols !
! Just for this demo, we will surround field data with double brackets.
! This is not really necessary.
print "-i-here is the dump of row data from the field array"
e = 0 ! init subscript
for r = 0 to (rows-1) ! step thru the rows
for c = 0 to (cols-1) ! step thru the columns
e = (r*cols) + c ! compute the subscript
print ",[[" ; if c<>0 ! double brackets for this demo
print "-i-row:";r;" [[" ; if c=0 !
print a$(e) ; !
print "]]" ; !
next c !
print ! signal end of row
next r !
32000 fini: !
print "-i-exiting BASIC ================================"

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.