OpenVMS Source Code Demos


	! title  : (for use with HP-BASIC on OpenVMS)
	! author : Neil Rieck ( )
	! created: 2007-07-30
	! history:
        ! ver who when   what
        ! --- --- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! 100 NSR 070730 1. original program (from VDSL_WEB_TL1_SERVICE_ASSURANCE_119.BAS)
	!	see RFC-764, RFC-731 and RFC-854
	!	notes:
	!	    1. this is a partial list
	!	    2. used a "k" prefix ("k"=constant because "c"=char; maybe we should use "t"=TELNET).
	!	    3. Google this string for more information: "telnet iac sb se 250 240 nvt"
	!	    4. some of these numbers came from telnet.h (8.2 Berkeley)
	declare long constant	kWILL		= 251	,! Sender "requests to begin" or "confirms" something	&
				kWONT		= 252	,! Demands to stop or not start something		&
				kDO		= 253	,! Requests other side to begin or confirm		&
				kDONT		= 254	,! Demands other side to stop				&
				kIAC		= 255	,! I/nterpret A/s C/ommand				&
				kSB		= 250	,! sub command						&
				kGA		= 249	,! go ahead (roger; you may reverse the line)		&
				kNOP		= 240	,! no operation						&
				kSE		= 240	,! sub end						&
				kEOR		= 239	,! end-of-record					&
				kBINARY		= 0	,! binary transmission					&
				kECHO		= 1	,!							&
				kRECCONECTION	= 2	,!							&
				kSGA		= 3	,! supress go-ahead					&
				kMSG_SIZ_NEG	= 4	,! approx message size negotiation			&
				kSTATUS		= 5	,!							&
				kTIMING_MARK	= 6	,!							&
				kEXTENDED_ASCII = 17	,!							&
				kLOGOUT		= 18	,!							&
				kBM		= 19	,! Byte Macro						&
				kDET		= 20	,! Data Entry Terminal					&
				kSUPDUP     	= 21	,!							&
				kSUPDUP_OUT	= 22	,!							&
				kSEND_LOCATION	= 23	,!							&
				kTERM_TYPE	= 24	,!							&
				kOPTION_EOR	= 25	,! end-of-record (the option number, not the signal)	&
				kTUID		= 26	,! TACACS user identification				&
				kOutput_Marking	= 27	,!							&
				kTerm_Loc_Number= 28	,!							&
				kWINDOW_SIZE	= 31	,! a.k.a. NAWS (negotiate about window size)		&
				kTERM_SPEED	= 32	,!							&
				kREMOTE_FLOW_CTL= 33	,!							&
				kLINE_MODE	= 34	,!							&
				kXDISPLAY_LOC	= 35	,!							&
				kOLD_ENVIRON	= 36	,!							&
				kAUTHENTICATION	= 37	,!							&
				kNEW_ENVIRON	= 39	,!							&
				kTN3270E	= 40	,!							&
				kSEND		=  1	,! SEND TT (RFC-1091)					&
				kIS		=  0	 ! IS   TT (RFC-1091)