OpenVMS Source Code Demos
// title : POINTER_DEMO.C
// author : Neil Rieck
// created: 2017-08-24
// purpose: demo the power of pointers
// ver who when what
// --- --- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 100 NSR 20170824 1. original code
#include <stdio.h> //
#include <stdlib.h> //
// here I will use an array of char in a very non-traditional way
char hack[127];
char *ptr_c; // pointer of bytes
short *ptr_s; // pointer of words
long *ptr_l; // pointer of longs
void *ptr; // this pointer has no flavor
// initialize my data
for (int i=0; i<128; i++){
hack[i] = (char) i; // populate array elements
// this block of code employs three pointers and...
// ...only employs TYPE CASTING when we copy pointers
printf("-i-demos based upon flavored pointers\n");
ptr_c = &hack[0]; // copy the address
printf("-i-address of hack[0] : %p\n", ptr_c);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
printf("-i-byte values in hack[%d]: %02x\n",
*(ptr_c+i) );
ptr_s = (short*) ptr_c; // copy the address
for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
printf("-i-short values in hack[%d]: %04x\n",
*(ptr_s+i) );
ptr_l = (long*) ptr_c; // copy the address
for (int i=0; i<2; i++){
printf("-i-long values in hack[%d]: %08x\n",
*(ptr_l+i) );
// this block of code employs one pointer and...
// ...only employs TYPE CASTING when we fetch the data
printf("-i-demos based upon one void pointer\n");
ptr = &hack[0]; // copy the address
printf("-i-address of hack[0] : %p\n", ptr);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
printf("-i-byte values in hack[%d]: %02x\n",
*((char*)ptr+i) ); // cast ptr to retrieve bytes
for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
printf("-i-short values in hack[%d]: %04x\n",
*((short*)ptr+i) ); // cast ptr to retrieve words
for (int i=0; i<2; i++){
printf("-i-long values in hack[%d]: %08x\n",
*((long*)ptr+i) ); // cast ptr to retrieve longs

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.