OpenVMS Source Code Demos
$! title :
$! author : Neil Rieck
$! created: 2003-08-21
$ set noon ! don't stop
$ say :== write sys$output
$ debug = 0 ! enable to debug
$ if debug .eq. 1
$ then
$ say "Status: 200" ! start of HTTP header
$ say "Content-Type: text/plain" !
$ say "" !
$ say "" ! end of HTTP header
$ set verify !
$ endif
$!~~~ temps = "''WWW_REQUEST_METHOD'" ! purveyor method
$!~~~ temps = "''REQUEST_METHOD'" ! apache method (using default settings)
$ run csmis$exe:read_html_apache.exe ! this app creates DCL symbols (and sets $status to 1 if ok)
$ my_status = $STATUS !
$ if ((my_status .and. 1) .ne. 1) ! oops, some kind of error
$ then
$ say "Status: 500" ! start of HTTP header
$ say "Content-Type: text/plain" !
$ say "" !
$ say "" ! end of HTTP header
$ say "error: ",my_status !
$ else !
$ run csmis$exe:transaction_log_viewer.exe ! this program outputs a webpage
$ endif !
$ if debug .eq. 1 !
$ then
$ say "***** symbols/local *****"
$ sho sym/local *
$ say "***** symbols/global *****"
$ sho sym/global *
$ endif
$ exit !
HomeNeil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.