OpenVMS Source Code Demos


$! Title  : CSMIS$
$	goto skip_remarks
$! author : Neil Rieck
$! purpose: Rotate Apache log files
$! History:
$! Who When       What
$! --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$! NSR 2012-08-10 Original effort to rotate logs once per day
$! NSR 2012-08-11 added code to (optionally) rotate every hour
$! NSR 2012-08-14 Now on daily rotates will use yesterday's folder
$!		  Now purge the destingation log archive directory
$! NSR 2012-08-16 Added code to (optionally) cleanup Apache "process" logs on Sunday mornings
$! NSR 2012-08-21 Added code to (optionally) cleanup Apache "process" logs on certain months
$!                Added code to (optionally) cleanup Apache "process" logs on a certain date
$! NSR 2012-10-31 Added code to (optionally) cleanup gSOAP server logs
$! NSR 2013-02-06 Added code to (optionally) delete universal logs
$! NSR 2016-02-15 Shift logic from DECNET NODENAMES to TCPIP HOSTNAMES (see notes below)
$! starting on 2016-02-14:
$!	node kawc90 will host
$!	node kawc96 will host
$! p.s. we should rename our nodes to help avoid future confusion
$	say "============================================================"
$	say "-i-script   : ",f$environment("PROCEDURE")
$	say "============================================================"
$	run_interval	= "D"							! D/aily, H/ourly
$	move_gsoap	= "Y"							! Y/es, N/o
$!	note: maintenance is over and above log rotation (so do it rarely)
$	mtce_period	= "M"							! W/eekly, M/onthly, Y/early, N/ever
$	mtce_days	= "SUN,XXX,XXX,"					! weekday(s) of total web server shutdown
$	mtce_months	= "JAN,APR,JUL,OCT"					! only valid when: mtce_period="M"
$	mtce_date	= "19991231"						! only valid when: mtce_period="Y"
$	mtce_hour	= "00"							! only used when : run_interval="H"
$	say		:== write sys$output					!
$	ask		:== inquire/nopunct					!
$	dq[0,8]		= 34							! "double quotes"
$	my_job		:== csmis$			!
$	my_log		:== csmis$log:rotate_apache_logs.log			!
$	my_que		:== CSMIS$BATCH						!
$	my_mode		= f$mode()						!
$	if (P1 .eqs. "") then P1 = "BLANK"					!
$	say "-i-mode: ",my_mode							!
$	say "-i-P1  : ",P1							!
$	if	(my_mode .eqs. "INTERACTIVE") .and. (P1 .nes. "DEBUG")		!
$	then									!
$		goto reschedule_for_next_interval				!
$	endif									!
$!	okay, let's clean up the apache working area
$	on error then goto fini_error						!
$	set on									! prep for PROC NAME
$	if (my_mode .nes. "INTERACTIVE")					!
$	then									!
$	    set proc/name = "ApacheRotate"					! make sure only one job is running (15 chars max)
$	endif									!
$!~~~	set noon								x leave error detection active for safety sake
$!~~~	my_node = f$getsyi("NODENAME")						!
$	my_node = ""								! zap
$	my_node = f$trnlnm("TCPIP$INET_HOST")					! all stacks set this logical)
$	if my_node .nes. ""							!
$	then									!
$	    yada = "APACHE$COMMON:[000000.SPECIFIC."+ my_node + ".LOGS]"	! because servername is part of DNS
$	    set def 'yada'							!
$	    goto do_it								!
$	endif									!
$	say "-w-oops, not meant for this node so exiting"			!
$	exit									! exit without requeing (might raise an eyebrow)
$!	attempt a log file cleanup
$do_it:										!
$	if (run_interval .eqs. "D")						! daily
$	then									!
$	    say "-i-daily variation"						!
$	    day = f$cvtime("YESTERDAY",,"DAY")					! eg. 31
$	    target1 = "LOG"+ day +".DIR"					! eg. LOG31.dir
$	    target2 = "[.LOG"+ day +"]"						! eg. [.LOG31]
$	    goto do_it_continue							!
$	endif									!
$	if (run_interval .eqs. "H")						! hourly
$	then									!
$	    say "-i-hourly variation"						!
$	    prev_hour_day = f$cvtime("-0-01:00:00","ABSOLUTE","DAY")		!
$	    target1 = "LOG"+ prev_hour_day +".DIR"				! eg. LOG01.dir
$	    target2 = "[.LOG"+ prev_hour_day +"]"				! eg. [.LOG01]
$	    goto do_it_continue							!
$	endif									!
$	say "-e-oops, run_interval: ",run_interval," is not supported"		!
$	EXIT									! Danger Wil Robinson
$do_it_continue:								!
$	if (f$search(target1) .eqs. "")						! if directory does not exist
$	then									!
$	    cre/dir 'target2'							! then create it
$	endif									!
$	dir/width=file=35/siz/date *_log*.*/col=1				! any logs here?
$	ren/log	*_log*.*	'target2'					! move "open log files"
$!~~~	dir/width=file=35/siz/date *.*/col=1					!
$	pur/log/noco/before=yes	'target2'					! don't allow monthly buildup
$!	now ask Apache to close-then-reopen the logs files
$	@apache$common:[000000]apache$					! get some symbols and logicals
$	httpd -k flush
$	httpd -k new
$	wait 0:00:02								!
$!~~~	dir/width=file=35/siz/date *.*/col=1					!
$!	there might be gSOAP server logs here
$	if (move_gsoap .eqs. "Y")						! if this option is enabled
$	then									!
$	    say "-i-doing gSOAP support"					!
$	    target1 = "[-]sent.log"						!
$	    if (f$search(target1) .nes. "")					! if file exists
$	    then								!
$		ren/log	'target1'	'target2'				! move gSOAP log file
$	    endif								!
$	    target1 = "[-]recv.log"						!
$	    if (f$search(target1) .nes. "")					! if file exists
$	    then								!
$		ren/log	'target1'	'target2'				! move gSOAP log file
$	    endif								!
$	    target1 = "[-]test.log"						!
$	    if (f$search(target1) .nes. "")					! if file exists
$	    then								!
$		ren/log	'target1'	'target2'				! move gSOAP log file
$	    endif								!
$	endif									!
$!	(optional) weekly/monthly maintenance
$!	will:	shut down apache
$!		delete apache "process" logs + scripts (not client logs)
$!		start apache
$	day_name = f$edit(f$extract(0,3,f$cvtime(,,"WEEKDAY")),"UPCASE")	! current day name
$	day_num  = f$integer(f$cvtime(,,"DAY"))					! current day number
$	if (mtce_period .eqs. "M")						! M/onthly
$	then									!
$	    if (day_num .ge. 8) then goto skip_mtce				! we only work in week #1
$	    month_num = f$integer(f$cvtime(,,"MONTH"))				! eg. 8
$	    month_name = f$extract((month_num-1)*4,3, month_list)		! eg. AUG
$	    if (f$locate(mtce_days,day_name) .eqs. f$length(mtce_days)) then goto skip_mtce
$	    goto start_mtce							!
$	endif									!
$	if (mtce_period .eqs. "W")						! W/eekly
$	then									!
$	    if (f$locate(mtce_days,day_name) .eqs. f$length(mtce_days)) then goto skip_mtce
$	    goto start_mtce							!
$	endif									!
$	if (mtce_period .eqs. "Y")						! Y/early
$	then									!
$	    curr_date = f$cvtime()						! eg. 2012-08-21 13:41:07.09
$	    curr_date = curr_date -"-" -"-"					! remove dashes
$	    curr_date = f$extract(0,8,curr_date)				! eg. 20120821
$	    if (f$length(mtce_date) .ne. 8) then goto skip_mtce			! Danger Wil Robinson
$	    if (mtce_date .nes. curr_date) then goto skip_mtce			!
$	    goto start_mtce							!
$	endif									!
$	say "-w-oops, mtce_period: ",mtce_period," is not supported "		!
$	goto skip_mtce								!
$start_mtce:									!
$	if (run_interval .eqs. "H")						! if this job is running hourly
$	then									!
$	    cur_hour = f$cvtime(,,"HOUR")					! get current hour
$	    if (cur_hour .nes. mtce_hour) then skip_mtce			! only do once today at the desired hour
$	endif									!
$	say "-i-starting periodic maintenance"					!
$	set def [-]								! eg. APACHE$COMMON:[000000.SPECIFIC.KAWC15]
$	sh def									!
$	set proc/priv=all							!
$	set noon								! no stopping after this point
$       @SYS$STARTUP:APACHE$SHUTDOWN						! stop apache
$	wait 0:00:05								! wait 5 seconds
$	del APACHE$SWS*.log;*/log/noco						! delete all apache process logs
$	del APACHE$SWS*.com;*/log/noco 						! delete all apache startup scripts
$	del *universal*.log;*/log/noco						! delete all universal logs
$	@SYS$STARTUP:APACHE$STARTUP						! start apache
$	wait 0:00:02								! wait 2 seconds
$skip_mtce:									!
$!	<<< resubmit to batch queue >>>
$	if (run_interval .eqs. "D") then goto reschedule_for_daily
$	say "-i-next hour logic"
$	next_hour_date	= f$cvtime("+0-01:00:00","ABSOLUTE","DATE")
$	next_hour_hour	= f$cvtime("+0-01:00:00","ABSOLUTE","HOUR")
$	next_time	= dq +next_hour_date +" "+ next_hour_hour +":00:01" +dq
$	goto reschedule_common
$	say "-i-next day logic"
$	next_time	= dq + f$cvtime("TOMORROW","ABSOLUTE","DATE") +" 00:00:01"+ dq
$	say "-i-Scheduling to run at ", next_time"
$	submit	'my_job'				-
		/que='my_que'				-
		/after='next_time'			-
		/log='my_log'				-
		/user=Custodian				-
$	pur/nolog/keep=2/noco	'my_log'
$!	exit(s)
$	say "-i-normal exit"
$	exit
$	say "-w-exiting (without reque) due to error"
$	set nover
$	exit