OpenVMS Source Code Demos


1000	!============================================================================================
	! title  : SFF_DEMO_BASIC_101.BAS
	! author : Neil Rieck
	! created: 2014/11/19
	! build  : $bas  sff_demo_basic_101
	!	   $link sff_demo_basic_101		,	-
	!		sys$input/opt
	!		sys$share:tcpip$smtp_mailshr.exe/share
	! notes  :
	! 1) tcpip_send_from_file() only works with "TCPIP Services for OpenVMS"
	! 2) contents of my static test file "sff_demo.txt" -----------------------------------------
	!	MAIL FROM:<>			<--- no w/s after the colon
	!	RCPT TO:<>			<--- no w/s after the colon
	!	Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 14:48:14 -0400		<<--- should use the current UTC
	!	Message-Id: <>	<<--- change to avoid some spam tests
	!	From: (Funny Stuff)
	!	To:
	!	Subject: Test of SFF mechanism
	!							<<--- blank line is recommended
	!	This is the message text. Whatever.		<<--- body
	!	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	! 3) tcpip_send_from_file() requires that your data begins immediately after the colon in fields
	!	"MAIL FROM:" and "RCPT TO:". No spaces or tabs. This is an oddity of tcpip_send_from_file
	!	because you can use white-space when connecting directly to port 25
	! 4) "Message-Id:" is not mandatory but some anti-SPAM detectors require it. It must be unique
	!	because:
	!	4a. some pop3 servers will throw away duplicate mail based upon "Message-Id:"
	!	4b. some smtp clients will remember that you deleted a message with "Message-Id:" then
	!	    will auto-delete new mail containing the same "Message-Id:" (Office Outlook does this)
	! 5) "Date" is not mandatory but some anti-SPAM detectors require it
	!	5a. This is nice to have since SMTP messages can be delayed by up to 4 hours
	!	5b. some anti-SPAM detectors consider old stamps (which go to the bottom of a smtp message
	!		window) as suspicious.
	!	5c. some anti-SPAM detectors consider future stamps (which go to the top of a smtp message
	!		window) as suspicious.
	! history:
	! ver who when     what
	! --- --- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	! 100 NSR 20141119 1. original effort
	! 101 NSR 20141121 1. added code to generate a dynamic xfer file
	option type=explicit							! no kid stuff
	external long function tcpip$smtp_send_from_file(string by ref, string by ref, long)
	external string function wcsm_dt_stamp16				!
	external string function wcsm_get_mime_time     			!
	external string function wcsm_trnlnm(string)				! needed by wcsm_get_mime_time()
	!	why use a mapped string? Like "C" strings, they are passed by address where-as
	!	unmapped strings are passed by descriptor
	map(abc)string	ms1	= 99		,&
		string	ms2	= 99
	declare long	rc%			,&
		long	debug%			,&
		long	junk%			,&
		long	handler_error%		,&
		string	dt$			,&
		string	fs1$
	!	main
2000	main:
	dt$  = wcsm_dt_stamp16							! ccyymmddhhmmsstt
	fs1$ = "smtp-scratch-"+ dt$ +".txt"					!
	when error in								!
	    print "-i-opening file: "+ fs1$
	    open fs1$ for output as #99		&
		,organization sequential	&
		,recordsize 32000
	    print "-i-writing file: "+ fs1$
	    print #99,	"MAIL FROM:<>"
	    print #99,	"RCPT TO:<>"
	    print #99,	"DATA"
	    print #99,  "Date: "+ wcsm_get_mime_time
	    print #99,	"Message-Id: <"+ dt$ +">"
	    print #99,	"From: (Funny Stuff)"
	    print #99,	"To:"
	    print #99,	"Subject: Test of SFF mechanism"
	    print #99,	""
	    print #99,	"Test of SFF mechanism. Whatever."
	    print "-i-closing file: "+ fs1$
	    close #99
	    handler_error% = 0							! all is well
	use									!
	    handler_error% = err						! oops
	end when								!
	if handler_error% <> 0 then						!
	    print "-e-error:";handler_error%;"so will exit"			!
	    goto fini								!
	end if									!
	print "-i-calling tcpip$smtp_send_from_file()"				!
	ms1 = fs1$ + chr$(0)							! needs to look like a "C" string
	ms2 = chr$(0)								! needs to look like a "C" string
	debug% = 9								!
	rc% = tcpip$smtp_send_from_file(ms1, ms2, debug%)			!
	print "-i-return code:";rc%;						! no EOL here
	junk% = rc% and 7%							! break down the return code bits
	if junk% <> 1 then							!
	    print " ("+ str$(junk%) +")"					! summary w/EOL
	else									!
	    print								! EOL
	end if									!
	when error in
	    print "-i-deleting file: "+ fs1$
	    kill fs1$
	end when
	!	Adios
32000	end									!
32100	%include "[.fun]"
32110	%include "[.fun]"
32120	%include "[.fun]"