OpenVMS Source Code Demos


1000	%title "source_code_formatter_xxx.bas"
	option type=explicit
	%ident                      "version_107.3"
	declare string constant k_version = "107.3"
	declare string constant k_program = "OpenVMS-BASIC-Source-Code-Formatter"	! don't remove punctuation
	! Title  : source_code_formatter_xxx.bas
	! Author : Neil Rieck (
	! Notes  : this program was a really quick hack and is in need of a major rewrite (do it ASAP)
	!        : this program has no commercial value and has been put into public domain for educational use only
	! history:
	! ver who when   what
	! --- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	! 100 NSR 021223 1. original program (written during Christmas slow down to help fix VDSL program logic)
	!     NSR 030129 2. now allow partial directories
	!		 3. now properly indent DECLARE and MAP statements
	!		 4. now detect line numbers
	!     NSR 030130 5. added support for module declarations (SUB + FUNCTION)
	!		 6. now properly indents data following CASE
	!		 7. added a comment adjust feature
	!     NSR 030812 8. added support for keywords FLOAT, WORD, QUAD, and ANY
	! 101 NSR 030813 1. added code to dump the statement stack upon error
	!		 2. now optionally allow padding with only spaces
	!     NSR 030918 3. now only display help when required
	!		 4. now default to debug=Y
	!		 5. now dump stack on program exit (if debug=Y)
	! 102 NSR 040210 1. now allow code indentation by values other than 4
	!		 2. fixed a bug where "FOR OUTPUT" on an OPEN continuation line appeared to be the
	!		    start of a FOR/NEXT statement
	!		 3. added support for line continuation in an OPEN statement
	!		 4. added support for line continuation in a CALL statement
	! 103 NSR 040715 1. started adding support for mode_amper% (better handling of amper blocks)
	!		 2. placed a special hook for amper lines after an "IF" (compound argument list)		bf_103.2
	!     NSR 040809 3. changed the indentation notes intro and prompt
	! 104 NSR 040809 1. started adding code to collapse fdv$getdl statements					bf_104.1
	!     NSR 040810 2. fixed a bug (introduced during bf_103.2) which was preventing proper indentation of
	!		    functions found within IF blocks
	! 105 NSR 041119 1. cosmetic changes
	!		 2. added a destination line counter
	!     NSR 050113 3. added support for the DATA statement
	!     NSR 050129 4. fixed a bug so this program may be run from any directory					bf_105.4
	!     NSR 050414 5. no can also collapse fdv$get statements
	!     NSR 051114 6. added support for the RECORD statement
	! 106 NSR 101109 1. bug fixes											bf_106.1
	! 107 NSR 130207 1. added support for VARIANT and END VARIANT
	!		 2. added support for RECORD and END RECORD
	!		 3. added support for GROUP and END GROUP
	set no prompt								! no kid stuff
	%include "lib$routines" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! for lib$spawn
	declare string constant htab	= '9'C 					! horizontal TAB
	declare	string	fs1$			,				! file spec1					&
			fs2$			,				! file spec2					&
			nlws$			,				! no leading white space			&
			basic_line$		,				! BASIC line number				&
			nlws_uc_tmp$		,				! no leading white space UPPER CASE		&
			comment_option$		,				! Y/N						&
			debug_option$		,				! Y/N						&
			padding_option$		,				! T/S						&
			stmt_collapse_option$	,				! Y/N						&
			junk$			,				!						&
			junk1$			,				!						&
			junk2$			,				!						&
			junk3$			,				!						&
			save_ip$		,				!						&
			cmd$			,				! DCL command					&
			choice$			,				!&
			ip$			,				!&
			op$			,				!&
			indent$			,				!&
		long	i%			,				!&
			j%			,				!&
			junk%			,				!&
			temp%			,				!&
			move_pos%		,				!&
			hdlr%			,				!&
			declaration_mode%	,				!&
			print_mode%		,				!&
			open_mode%		,				!&
			quoted_mode%		,				!&
			rc%			,				!&
			count%			,				!&
			source_line%		,				!&
			dest_line%		,				!&
			choice%			,				!&
			code_pos%		,				!&
			ptr_s%			,				!&
			curr_amper%		,				!&
			prev_amper%		,				!&
			mode_amper%		,				!&
			indent%							!
	!	<<< main >>>
	junk$ = k_program + " ver: " + k_version
	print string$( len(junk$), ascii("=") )					! print a line
	print junk$								! print program title
	print string$( len(junk$), ascii("=") )					! print a line
	input "show help now? (default=N) "; junk$
	junk$ = edit$(junk$,32+4+2)						! upcase, no controls, no white space
	if left$(junk$,1)="Y" then
	    !      12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
	    print "tips:"
	    print "  1.  the BASIC source file must be complete and compilable"
	    print "  2.  FOR/NEXT   statements can't be on the same line"
	    print "  3.  WHILE/NEXT statements can't be on the same line"
	    print "  4.  compiler directives (like %if %then) are ignored formatting-wise so BASIC"
	    print "      blocks between compiler directives must be complete"
	    print "  5.  all END IF statements must be present:"
	    print "  5a. the compiler allows a line number to terminate an IF"
	    print "  5b. the compiler will assume an END IF between two ELSE statements"
	    print "  6.  all programs should have an END or END PROGRAM (doesn't need to be on"
	    print "      the last line; external trailing functions are allowed etc.)"
	end if
	print "file directory build:"
	input "enter first letter(s) of BASIC source file? (default=all) ";junk$
	junk$ = edit$(junk$,32+4+2)						! upcase, no controls, no white space
	if junk$ = "" then
	    junk$ = "*"
	    if pos(junk$,"*",1)=0 then						! if no asterisk was provided...
		junk$ = junk$ +"*"						! ...then add one
	    end if
	end if
    %let %dirmode=1%								!
    %if  %dirmode=0% %then							! mode 0: only find files with .BAS extensions
	cmd$ = "$dir/nohead/notrail "+ junk$ +".BAS;/out="+k_program+".scratch"	! get a directory of BASIC files
    %else									! mode 1: find many types of files
	! Note: It seems that many programmers use other file extensions (like .STB, .STUB, .FUN, .SUB, .INC, etc.) and want
	!	to see more file types than just .BAS so this fragment will do just that
	cmd$ = "$dir/nohead/notrail "+ junk$ +".*;"			+	! get a directory of most files			&
	    "/out="+k_program+".scratch"				+	!						&
	    "/exc=(*.exe,*.obj,*.formatted)"					! we don't want to see these
    %end %if
	rc% = lib$spawn(cmd$)							! let DCL execute this command
	if ((rc% and 7%) <> 1%) then
	    print "-e- lib$spawn error: "+ str$(rc%)
	    goto sortie								!					***--->>>
	end if
	!	now read the directory listing file
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 1/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	when error in
	    open k_program+".scratch" for input as #1
	    count% = 0
	    print "Directory:"
	    print "#### File name______________________________"
	    while 1								!
		linput #1, junk$						! display the listed file names
		count% = count% + 1						!
		print format$(count%,"#### ")+junk$				!
	    next								!
	use									!
	end when								!
	if count% = 0 then							!
!~~~	    print "-e- this directory didn't contain any files with a .BAS extension"
	    print "-e- no files were detected using your search criteria"
	    goto sortie								!					***--->>>
	end if
	!	now let the user choose a file number
	print "Format which BASIC file? (1-"+ str$(count%) +", 0=none) ";
	input choice$								! get his choice (number)
	when error in
	    choice% = integer(choice$)
	    choice% = -1
	end when
	select choice%
	    case    0
		goto sortie							!					***--->>>
	    case    -1, > count%
		print "-e- bad input"
		goto choice_loop
	end select
	!	now discover the filename of the number entered
	when error in								! get his choice (file name)
	    reset #1
	    count% = 0
	    while 1								!
		linput #1, fs1$							!
		count% = count% + 1						!
		goto found_it if count% = choice%				!
	    next								!
	use									!
	    print "-e- error: "+ str$(err)+ " finding file"			!
	end when								!
	goto sortie								!					***--->>>
	!	now get a few options before processing this file
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 2/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	print "move comments out to column 81? (Y/N, default=N) ";		!
	input comment_option$
	comment_option$ = edit$(comment_option$, 32+2)
	select comment_option$
	    case    "Y","N"
	    case else
		comment_option$ = "N"
	end select
	if comment_option$ = "Y" then
	    print "-w- comments will be moved (this is not always perfect so test with $DIF)"
	    print "-i- comments will NOT be moved"
	end if
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 3/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	print "Indentation Notes:"
	print "  a. Line numbers stay in column 1"
	print "  b. Remarked lines are not changed"
	print "  c. All other lines will start in column 9"
	print "  d. The next prompt will affect indentation after column 9"
	print "  e. Large inline programs may require smaller values (like 1 or 2)"
	print "code line indentation value? (1-8, default=4) ";
	input junk$
	junk$ = edit$(junk$, 32+4+2)
	when error in								!
	    indent% = integer(junk$)						!
	use									!
	    indent% = 4								! default to 4
	end when								!
	select indent%								!
	    case    1 to 8							!
	    case else								!
		indent% = 4							!
	end select								!
	print "-i- Indent value: "+ str$(indent%)				!
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 4/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	print "Special Collapse Option:"
	print "  a. convert code like this:"
	print "       call fdv$getdl( junk$,      &"
	print "                       junk%,      &"
	print "                       23%,        &"
	print '                       "whatever?" )'
	print "    into code like this:"
	print '       call fdv$getdl( junk$,junk$,23%,"whatever?" )'
	print '  b. this will only work with "fdv$getdl" and "fdv$get" statements'
	print '  c. this will only work when curent indent position <= 80'
	print '  d. you will get a warning saying the input lines <> output lines'
	print "Choice? (Y/N, default=N) ";
	input stmt_collapse_option$
	stmt_collapse_option$ = edit$(stmt_collapse_option$, 32+2)
	select stmt_collapse_option$
	    case "Y","N"
	    case else
		stmt_collapse_option$ = "N"
	end select
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 5/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	print "Debug statements help to identify unusual conditions in your code"
	print "send possible debug statements to screen? (Y/N, default=Y) ";
	input debug_option$
	debug_option$ = edit$(debug_option$, 32+2)
	select debug_option$
	    case    "Y","N"
	    case else
		debug_option$ = "Y"						! take care of default
	end select
	if debug_option$ = "Y" then
	    print "-i- debug lines MAY be written to screen"
	    print "-i- debug lines will NOT be written"
	end if
	print "======================================================================"
	print " Question 6/6"
	print "======================================================================"
	print "indent with 'Tabs and spaces' or only 'Spaces'? (T/S, default=T) ";
	input padding_option$
	padding_option$ = edit$(padding_option$, 32+2)
	select padding_option$
	    case    "T","S"
	    case else
		padding_option$ = "T"
	end select
	if padding_option$ = "T" then
	    print "-i- padding will be with Tabs and spaces"
	    print "-i- padding will be done with spaces only"
	end if
	print									! end of prompts
	!	now process the selected file
	ptr_s%	= 1024								! prep for run-time allocation
	dim string statem$(ptr_s%)						! init statement stack
	dim long   linenum(ptr_s%)						! init source line number stack
	ptr_s%	= 0								! now init to starting value
	close #1								!
    %if  %dirmode=0% %then							!
	junk% = pos(fs1$,".BAS",1)						!
	fs2$  = left$(fs1$, junk%-1) +".formatted"				!
    %else									!
	junk% = pos(fs1$,".",1)							! find a dot (if any)
	if junk% > 0 then							! if a dot was found...
	    ! make sure we can support fs of the form:
	    !	CSMIS$USER3:[ADMCSM.NEIL]program_100.bas
	    find_next_dot:							!					bf_105.4
	    temp% = pos(fs1$,".",junk%+1)					! any more dots?
	    if temp% > 0 then							! if yes...
		junk% = temp%							!
		goto find_next_dot						!
	    end if								!
	    fs2$  = left$(fs1$, junk%-1) +".formatted"				!
	else									!
	    fs2$  = 		fs1$ +".formatted"				!
	end if									!
    %end %if									!
	print "======================================================================"
	print " starting job"
	print "======================================================================"
	when error in								!
	    print "-i- open input : ";fs1$					!
	    open fs1$ for input as #1						! open the source file	&
		,recordsize	1024						!
	    print "-i- open output: ";fs2$					!
	    open fs2$ for output as #2						!			&
		,recordsize	1024						!
	    source_line%	= 0						! init
	    dest_line%		= 0						! init
	    code_pos%		= 8						! init
	    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos					! init
	    while 1								!
		linput #1, ip$							! read input
		source_line% = source_line% + 1					!
		gosub process_a_line						! ***--->>>
		print #2, op$							! write output
		dest_line% = dest_line% + 1					!
	    next								!
	use									!
	    select err								!
		case 11								!
		    print "-i- status: "+ str$(err)				!					bf_106.1
		    print "-i- Last line detected"				!
		case else							!
		    print "-e- status: "+ str$(err)				!					bf_106.1
		    print "-i- ptr_s%  "+ str$(ptr_s%)				!
		    print "-i- Error exit"					!
	    end select								!
	end when								!
	print "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
	print str$(source_line%)+" lines were read"				!
	print str$(dest_line%)+" lines were written"				!
	if source_line% <> dest_line% then					!
	    print "*** Danger: lines read <> lines written ***"+ bel		!
	end if									!
	gosub dump_stack							! just incase there wasn't an END
	print "warning: make sure you compile BOTH files then use $DIF to compare their"
	print "         respective object files to ensure there were no conversion errors"
	print "         or dropped information. Always protect your source code."
	if comment_option$ = "Y" then
	    print "note:    You elected to move some comments out to column 81."
	    print "         This is not always perfect so compare sources with $DIF"
	    print "         and be sure to use switches /ignore=(space,trail,case)"
	end if
	goto sortie								!					***--->>>
	!	process a line
	declare	long	first_spc%	,&
	process_a_line:								!
	ip$		= edit$(ip$, 128)					! no trailing white space
	save_ip$	= ip$							! copy data for possible fall thru (see CASE ELSE)
	gosub build_indent_from_code_pos					!
	op$		= "9>"+ ip$						! set a default (output equals input)
	!	don't let the presence of a BASIC line number corrupt the formatting of indents
	select left$(ip$,1)							! test 1st char of input line
	    case    "0" to "9"							! line number?
		junk% = 0							!
		first_spc% = pos(ip$," ",1)					! look for 1st space (if any)
		first_tab% = pos(ip$,htab,1)					! look for 1st tab (if any)
		junk% = first_spc%			if first_spc%>0 and first_tab%=0
		junk% = first_tab%			if first_spc%=0 and first_tab%>0
		junk% = min(first_spc%,first_tab%)	if first_spc%>0 and first_tab%>0
		if junk% > 0 then						! if a delimiter was found...
		    basic_line$	= left$( ip$ ,junk%-1)				! then capture line number
		    ip$		= right$(ip$ ,junk%  )				! remove line number for data line
		else								!
		    basic_line$ = ""						!
		end if								!
	    case else								!
		basic_line$ = ""						!
	end select								!
	select left$(ip$,1)							! test 1st char of input line
	    case    sp, chr$(9)							! if first character is a <space> or <tab>
		goto do_frst_char_is_white					!
	    case else								! non-whitespace character in column #1
		junk$ = edit$(ip$, 2)						! no white space
		if right$( junk$, len(junk$ )-1) = "&" and			! if a continuation line			&
		    left$(junk$,1) <> "!"					! but not a remark line				&
		then								!
		    curr_amper% = 1						!
		    if prev_amper% = 0 then					!
			mode_amper% = 1						! starting a block
		    else							!
			mode_amper% = 2						! in a block
		    end if							!
		else								!
		    curr_amper% = 0						!
		    if prev_amper% = 0 then					!
			mode_amper% = 0						! starting a block
		    else							!
			mode_amper% = 3						! ending a block
		    end if							!
		end if								!
		op$ = save_ip$							! no changes so "input line" -> "output line"
		declaration_mode% = 0						!
		open_mode% = 0							!
		goto do_output							!
	end select								!
	!	first character is white (definately not a line number)
	nlws$		= edit$(ip$,           8)				! no leading white space
	nlws_uc_tmp$	= edit$(ip$, 32+16+128+8)				! UC, compress, no trail, no lead (for tests only)
	nlws_uc_tmp$	= nlws_uc_tmp$ +" "					! append a space so we can test for 'SELECT '
	if right$( nlws_uc_tmp$, len(nlws_uc_tmp$)-1) = "& "	and		! if this line ends in an ampersand		&
	    left$( nlws_uc_tmp$,1) <> "!"					! and isn't a remark
	    curr_amper% = 1							!
	    if prev_amper% = 0 then						!
		mode_amper% = 1							! starting a block
	    else								!
		mode_amper% = 2							! in a block
	    end if								!
	else									!
	    curr_amper% = 0							!
	    if prev_amper% = 0 then						!
		mode_amper% = 0							! starting a block
	    else								!
		mode_amper% = 3							! ending a block
	    end if								!
	end if									!
	select left$(nlws$,1)							!
	    case    "%"								! if a compiler lexical...
		hdlr% = 0							! init
		hdlr% = 1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"%IF "		,1)=1		!
		hdlr% = 1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"%LET "		,1)=1		!
		hdlr% = 1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"%THEN "		,1)=1		!
		hdlr% = 1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"%ELSE "		,1)=1		!
		hdlr% = 1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"%END "		,1)=1		!
		if hdlr% = 1% then						! if this is a compiler directive...
		    op$ = "    "+ nlws$						! lead with 4 spaces
		else								! else %INCLUDE, %TITLE, %SBTTL, etc.
		    op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! so use current value of indent
		end if								!
	    case else								! else must be basic code...
		hdlr% =    0							! init
		hdlr% =    2 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"THEN "	,1)=1		! indent off-on
		hdlr% =    1 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"IF "		,1)=1		! indent on		(beware of IF xxx THEN)
		hdlr% =    3 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"ELSE "	,1)=1		! indent off-on
		hdlr% =    4 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END IF "	,1)=1		! indent off
		hdlr% =    5 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"SELECT "	,1)=1		! indent on
		hdlr% =    6 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"CASE "	,1)=1		! indent on
		hdlr% =   16 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"CASE ELSE "	,1)=1		! indent on
		hdlr% =    7 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END SELECT "	,1)=1		! indent off
		hdlr% =    8 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"WHEN "	,1)=1		! indent on
		hdlr% =    9 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"USE "		,1)=1		! indent off-on
		hdlr% =   10 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END WHEN "	,1)=1		! indent off
		hdlr% =   11 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"WHILE "	,1)=1		! indent on
		hdlr% =   12 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"NEXT "	,1)=1		! indent off
		hdlr% =   13 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FOR "		,1)=1		! indent on	(beware FOR INPUT on continued)
		hdlr% =   17 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"VARIANT "	,1)=1		! indent on	(similar to SELECT)
		hdlr% =   18 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END VARIANT "	,1)=1		! indent off	(similar to END SELECT)
		hdlr% =   19 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"RECORD "	,1)=1		! indent on	(similar to SELECT)
		hdlr% =   20 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END RECORD "	,1)=1		! indent off	(similar to END SELECT)
		hdlr% =   21 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"GROUP "	,1)=1		! indent on	(similar to GROUP)
		hdlr% =   22 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END GROUP "	,1)=1		! indent off	(similar to END GROUP)
		!	the next 2 lines handle the following weird statement(s):
		!	open "big-long-file-spec.ext"		&
		!		for input as #1			&	<-- this line fragment probabky triggered my "FOR " logic
		!		,access read			&
		!		,allow modify
		hdlr% =  900 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FOR INPUT"	,1)=1		!
		hdlr% =  900 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FOR OUTPUT"	,1)=1		!
!~~~		hdlr% =   14 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"NEXT "	,1)=1		x indent off (this must be after plain NEXT test)
		hdlr% =   98 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"OPEN "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		!	the next line handles the following weird statement (which looks like some OPEN statemenmts):
		!	call fdv$getdl( junk$,			&
		!		junk%,				&
		!		23%,				&
		!		"Enter the defective Port number: " )
		hdlr% =   98 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"CALL "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		goto statement_handler	if hdlr% > 0				!
		hdlr% =  25 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DATA "		,1)=1		! indent on for continuation
		hdlr% =  27 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DECLARE "	,1)=1		! indent on for continuation
		hdlr% =  25 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"MAP("		,1)=1		! indent on for continuation	(no trailing space)
		hdlr% =  25 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"MAP ("		,1)=1		! indent on for continuation	(no trailing space)
		hdlr% =  25 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"EXTERNAL "	,1)=1		! indent on for continuation
		goto statement_handler	if hdlr% > 0				!
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"INTEGER "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"BYTE "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"WORD "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"LONG "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"QUAD "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"ANY "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"SHORT "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"STRING"	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"REAL "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"SINGLE "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DOUBLE "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FLOAT "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FFLOAT "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"GFLOAT "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"HFLOAT "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DECIMAL "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DECIMAL( "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"DECIMAL ( "	,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"RFA "		,1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		hdlr% =  50 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"BASIC$QUADWORD ",1)=1		! indent on (conditional)
		goto statement_handler	if hdlr% > 0				!
		hdlr% =  26 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"FUNCTION "	,1)=1		! indent on for continuation only
		hdlr% =  26 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"SUB "		,1)=1		! indent on for continuation
!~~~		hdlr% = 999 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END RECORD "	,1)=1		x back to column 9
		hdlr% = 999 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END FUNCTION "	,1)=1		! back to column 9
		hdlr% = 999 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END SUB "	,1)=1		! back to column 9
		hdlr% = 999 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END PROGRAM "	,1)=1		! back to column 9
		hdlr% = 999 if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"END "		,1)=1		! back to column 9
		hdlr% = 900 if hdlr% = 0					! take care of unhandled condition
		!	BASIC statement handlers
		select hdlr%
		    case    1							! detected "IF"
			!	beware of the follwing "reverse if" statement:
			!		goto yada			&
			!			if (whatever% = 99)
			if prev_amper% = 1 then					! probably a reverse IF
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! move indent to the right
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print with extra indent
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			!
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! restore indent back to left
			    prev_amper% = 0					!
			else							!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print IF line using current indent
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! now adjust for next line of code
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			    linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%			! remember line for debug
			    if pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"THEN ",1)>0 then		! if a THEN statement is also on this line
				statem$(ptr_s%) = "IF THEN"			! store THEN statement data for future test
				statem$(ptr_s%) = "IF"				! store IF statement data for future test
			    end if						!
			end if							!
		    case    2							! detected "THEN" on its own line
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				! turn indent off
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! turn indent back on
			if statem$(ptr_s%) = "IF" then				!
			    statem$(ptr_s%) = "IF THEN"				! overwrite IF statement on top of stack
			end if							!
		    case    3							! detected "ELSE"
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				! turn indent off
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! turn indent back on
		    case    4							! found "END IF"
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop "IF" statement off stack
		    case    5							! detected "SELECT"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print SELECT line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! adjust
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "SELECT"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    16							! detected "CASE ELSE"
			if statem$(ptr_s%) <> "CASE" then			! if the first CASE statement after SELECT
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print CASE line using current indent
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! adjust
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			    statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE"				! store data for future test
			    linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%			! remember line for debug
			else							! else not the first CASE statement after SELECT
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			! adjust left
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print CASE line
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! adjust right
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			end if
		    case    6							! detected "CASE"
			! we want output to look like this:
			!    SELECT whatever
			!	CASE    20%,	&
			!		40%,	&
			!		60%
			!	    something
			if statem$(ptr_s%) <> "CASE" then			! if the first CASE statement after SELECT
			    junk1$ = left$( nlws$,4)				! remove CASE (preserve upper/lower case)
			    junk2$ = right$(nlws$,5)				! isolate the rest of the line
			    junk2$ = edit$(junk2$,8)				! remove leading white space
			    select left$(junk2$,1)				! test first character of the rest of the line
				case    "!","&"					! if start of comment or line continuation...
				    op$ = indent$ + nlws$			! ...print CASE line using current indent
				case else					! else this looks like data...
				    op$ = indent$ + junk1$ +"    "+junk2$	! ...print CASE line using current indent (but the
										!	following data is indented by 4)
			    end select						!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! adjust
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			    statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE"				! store data for future test
			    linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%			! remember line for debug
			else							! if "secondary CASE" or "CASE ELSE"
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			! adjust left
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    junk1$ = left$( nlws$,4)				! remove CASE (preserve upper/lower case)
			    junk2$ = right$(nlws$,5)				! isolate the rest of the line
			    junk2$ = edit$(junk2$,8)				! remove leading white space
			    select left$(junk2$,1)				! test first char of the rest of the line
				case    "!","&"					! if start of comment or line continuation...
				    op$ = indent$ + nlws$			! ...print CASE line using current indent
				case else					! else looks like data...
				    op$ = indent$ + junk1$ +"    "+junk2$	! ...print CASE line using current indent (but the
										!	following data is indented by 4)
			    end select						!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%			! adjust right
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			end if							!
		    case    7							! found "END SELECT"
			if statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE" then			! if "CASE" (or "CASE ELSE")
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - (indent% * 2)		!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 2					! pop CASE and SELECT
			else							!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop SELECT
			end if							!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
		    case    8							! detected "WHEN"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print IF line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! now adjust for next line of code
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "WHEN"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    9							! detected "USES"
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				! turn indent off
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! turn indent back on
		    case    10							! found "END WHEN"
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop statement stack
		    case    11							! detected "WHILE"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print IF line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! now adjust for next line of code
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "WHILE"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    12							! found "NEXT"
			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop statement stack
		    case    13							! detected "FOR"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print IF line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! now adjust for next line of code
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "FOR"					! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
!~		    case 14%							x found "NEXT " (NEXT with trailing space)
!~			code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%				x
!~			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			x
!~			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					x
!~			ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					x pop statement stack
		    case    17							! detected "VARIANT" (works like SELECT)
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print SELECT line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! adjust
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "VARIANT"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    18							! found "END VARIANT" (works like END SELECT)
			if statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE" then			! if "CASE" (or "CASE ELSE")
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - (indent% * 2)		!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 2					! pop CASE and VARIANT
			else							!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop VARIANT
			end if							!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
		    case    19							! detected "RECORD" (works like SELECT)
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print SELECT line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! adjust
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "RECORD"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    20							! found "END RECORD" (works like END SELECT)
			if statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE" then			! if "CASE" (or "CASE ELSE")
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - (indent% * 2)		!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 2					! pop CASE and VARIANT
			else							!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop VARIANT
			end if							!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
		    case    21							! detected "GROUP" (works like SELECT)
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print SELECT line using current indent
			code_pos% = code_pos% + indent%				! adjust
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			ptr_s% = ptr_s% + 1					! push statement stack
			statem$(ptr_s%) = "GROUP"				! store data for future test
			linenum(ptr_s%) = source_line%				! remember line for debug
		    case    22							! found "END GROUP" (works like END SELECT)
			if statem$(ptr_s%) = "CASE" then			! if "CASE" (or "CASE ELSE")
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - (indent% * 2)		!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 2					! pop CASE and VARIANT
			else							!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - indent%			!
			    ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1					! pop VARIANT
			end if							!
			gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					!
		    case    98							! found "OPEN or "CALL"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print BASIC line using current indent
			open_mode% = 1						! show us in file open mode
			!	this horrible patch can collapse calls to FDV$GET or FDV$GETDL into a single line	bf_104.1
			!	Note: the older technique of creating more white space was OK with
			!		small programs but is a real pain when debugging large programs
			if stmt_collapse_option$ = "Y"	and			! if we want to collapse FDV$GETDL statments	&
			   code_pos% <= 80					! and we're not indented too far to the right
			    declare long st1%, st2%, st3%, st4%, ste%		! declare 'special test' variables for this patch
			    st1% = pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"CALL FDV$GET",1)		! locate desired opening tag GET or GETDL
			    st2% = pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,")",st1%)			! locate possible closing tag
			    st3% = pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"!",st1%)			! locate possible remark tag
			    st4% = pos(nlws_uc_tmp$,"&",st1%)			! locate possible line continuation tag
			    if	st1% > 0		and			! FDV$GETDL tag was found			&
				st2% = 0		and			! closing tag was not found			&
				st3% = 0		and			! comment tag was not found			&
				st4% > 0					! continuation tag was found
				!	I shouldn't be doing file i/o at this point but I'm in a hurry
				when error in
				    ste% = 0					! init
				    linput #1, ip$				! read input
				    source_line% = source_line% + 1
				    ste% = err
				    print "-e- unexpected error "+str$(ste%)+" in FDV$GETDL collapse logic"
				    print "-w- this program will now abort"
				end when
				resume sortie if ste% <> 0			! exit if any kind of error		***--->>>
				st1% = pos(op$,"&",1)				! locate continuation character of previous line
				op$ = left$(op$,st1%-1)				! lop it off
				op$ = edit$(op$,128)				! discard trailing white space of previous line
				ip$ = edit$(ip$,  8)				! discard leading white space of new line
				op$ = op$ + ip$					! join lines
				st2% = pos(op$,")",1%)				! locate possible closing tag
				st3% = pos(op$,"!",1%)				! locate possible remark tag
				st4% = pos(op$,"&",1%)				! locate possible line continuation tag
				if	st2% = 0		and		! closing tag was not found			&
					st3% = 0		and		! comment tag was not found			&
					st4% > 0				! continuation tag was found
				then						!
				    goto patch_read_more			! go back for more
				end if						!
				if st4% = 0 then				! fixed the current line continuation logic
				    curr_amper% = 0				!
				else						!
				    curr_amper% = 1				!
				end if						!
			    end if						!
			end if							!
		    case    25	,						! "MAP", etc.					&
			    26							! "MODULE", "FUNCTION", etc.
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print BASIC line using current indent
			declaration_mode% = 1					! more indent
		    case    27							! "DECLARE"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print BASIC line using current indent
			declaration_mode% = 2					! lots more indent
		    case    49							! found "FOR INPUT" or "FOR OUTPUT"
			op$ = indent$ + nlws$					! print BASIC line using current indent
		    case    50							! lone BASIC 'data type' statement
			! we want output to look like this:
			!	declare	string	yada$	,&
			!			junk$	,&
			!		long	junk%	,&		<<<--- this is the lone data type
			!			temp%
			if prev_amper% = 1 then
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + 8				! move indent to the right
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print with extra indent
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - 8				!
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! restore indent back to left
			    prev_amper% = 0					!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print line using current indent
			end if
		    case    900							! default statement handler
			select mode_amper%					!
			    case    2, 3					! starting an amper block
				if statem$(ptr_s%) = "IF" then			! if we're in an IF block		bf_103.2
				    move_pos% = 0				! this is our default
				else						!
				    move_pos% = indent%				! this is our default
				end if						!
				select declaration_mode%			!
				    case 0					!
				    case 1 					!
					move_pos% = 16				! need room for types like INTEGER
				    case 2					!
					move_pos% = 24				! need room for stuff like BASIC$QUADWORD
				end select					!
				move_pos% = indent%	if open_mode% = 1	!
				code_pos% = code_pos% + move_pos%		! move indent to the right
				gosub build_indent_from_code_pos		!
				op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print with extra indent
				code_pos% = code_pos% - move_pos%		! restore indent back to left
				gosub build_indent_from_code_pos		!
				prev_amper% = 0					!
			    case else
				op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print line using current indent
			end select
		    case    999							! one of many basic END statements
			if prev_amper% = 1 then					!
			    select declaration_mode%				!
				case 0						!
				    move_pos% = indent%				!
				case 1						!
				    move_pos% = (indent% * 4)			! need room for types like INTEGER
				case 2						!
				    move_pos% = (indent% * 6)			! need room for stuff like BASIC$QUADWORD
			    end select						!
			    code_pos% = code_pos% + move_pos%			! move indent to the right
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print with extra indent
			    code_pos% = code_pos% - move_pos%			!
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			! restore indent back to left
			    prev_amper% = 0					!
			else							!
			    op$ = indent$ + nlws$				! print line using current indent
			end if							!
			if (code_pos% <> 8) then				! if not at first indent
			    print "-i-scf-line: ";str$(source_line%);", code_pos: ";str$(code_pos%);" -> 8"	&
				if debug_option$ = "Y"				!
			    code_pos% = 8					!
			    gosub build_indent_from_code_pos			!
			end if							!
			gosub dump_stack
		end select							! select hdlr%
	end select
	op$ = basic_line$ + op$							!
	!	end of:	'first character is white'
	!	do output
	if curr_amper% = 0 then
	    declaration_mode% = 0						!
	    open_mode% = 0							!
	end if
	prev_amper% = curr_amper%						! save this state for next pass through
	curr_amper% = 0								! reset
	goto skip_comment_adjust if comment_option$ <> "Y"			! bypass if not enabled
	!	At this point, op$ contains the data we wish to output. It will also contain a mixture of spaces and/or tabs.
	!	This code will attempt to locate comments after visual column 60 and move them to visual column 81
	declare long	vs_length%			,			! visual string length			&
			vp_1st_exclam%			,			! visual position of first exclamtion	&
			vp_last_exclam%			,			! visual position of last  exclamation	&
			cp_last_exclam%						! char   position of last  exclamation
	vp_1st_exclam%	= 0
	vs_length%	= 0
	vp_last_exclam%	= 0
	cp_last_exclam% = 0
	for i% = 1 to len(op$)
	    !	make sure we only catch exclamtions that are not part of a string declartion
	    quoted_mode% = 1	if mid$(op$,i%,1) = '"' and quoted_mode% = 0	! double quotes (start of comment mode 1)
	    quoted_mode% = 0	if mid$(op$,i%,1) = '"' and quoted_mode% = 1	! 		(end   of comment mode 1)
	    quoted_mode% = 2	if mid$(op$,i%,1) = "'" and quoted_mode% = 0	! single quotes (start of comment mode 2)
	    quoted_mode% = 0	if mid$(op$,i%,1) = "'" and quoted_mode% = 2	! 		(end   of comment mode 2)
	    select mid$(op$,i%,1)
		case    htab							! tab
		    vs_length% = vs_length% + 8
		    vs_length% = (vs_length% / 8%) * 8%				!
		case    "!"							! exclamation (may be inside a data statement)
		    vs_length% = vs_length% + 1
		    if quoted_mode% = 0 then					! if quoted mode is off...
			vp_1st_exclam% = vs_length%	if vp_1st_exclam% = 0	! remember visual position of 1st exclamation
			vp_last_exclam% = vs_length%				! remember visual position of any exclamation
			cp_last_exclam% = i%					! remember char   position of any exclamation
		    end if
		case else
		    vs_length% = vs_length% + 1
	    end select
	next i%
	goto skip_comment_adjust if vp_1st_exclam% <= 40%			! ignore commented blocks of remarks
	!	vs_length%	: visual string length
	!	vp_last_exclam%	: visual postion  of last exclamation
	!	cp_last_exclam%	: char   position of last exclamation
	select vp_last_exclam%							! visual position of last exclamation
	    case    50 to 80							! if < 81
!~~~		op$ = op$ +"~"+str$(vs_length%)+"~"+str$(vp_last_exclam%)+"~"+str$(cp_last_exclam%)
!~~~		print #2, "~~~~~"
!~~~		print #2, op$
!~~~		dest_line% = dest_line% + 1					x
		junk2$ = left$(op$,  cp_last_exclam%-1)				! first part
		junk3$ = right$(op$, cp_last_exclam%  )				! second part (remarks)
		junk2$ = edit$(junk2$, 128)					! no trailing white space
		junk3$ = edit$(junk3$, 128)					! ditto
		!	now we need to know the visual length of junk2$
		vs_length% = 0
		for i% = 1 to len(junk2$)
		    select mid$(junk2$,i%,1)
			case    htab						! tab
			    vs_length% = vs_length% + 8
			    vs_length% = (vs_length% / 8%) * 8%				!
			case else
			    vs_length% = vs_length% + 1
		    end select
		next i%
		if vs_length% < 80% then
		    junk2$ = junk2$ + htab
		    goto build_out_loop
		end if
		op$ = junk2$ + junk3$
	end select								!
	skip_comment_adjust:							!
	select ptr_s%								! bf_106.1
	   case < 0								!
		print "-i-debug ptr_s% is too low: "+ str$(ptr_s%)		!
		print "-i-debug line number      : "+ str$(source_line%)	!
		print "-i-debug line data        : "+ ip$			!
	end select								!
	return									!
	!	build indent (from code_pos%)
	!	note: usually we indent code with tabs (and optionally up to 4 spaces)
	!	entry:	code_pos% (where we want our code to begin)
	!	exit:	indent$
	if padding_option$ = "T" then						!
	    junk%	= code_pos% / 8%					! how many TABs do we need?
	    indent$	= string$( junk%, 9 )					! start building with tabs
	else									!
	    junk%	= 0							! 0 TABs
	    indent$	= ""							! init
	end if									!
	junk%	= code_pos% - (junk% * 8)					! how many spaces do we need?
	indent$ = indent$ + string$( junk%, 32 )				! now append spaces (if any)
	return									!
	!	dump stack
	if debug_option$ = "Y" then						! if debug was selected
	    if ptr_s% > 0 then
		print "Statement-Line Array Dump:"
		print " Entry Src-Line BASIC-Statement Misc"
		print " ===== ======== =============== ============================================"
	    end if
	    while (ptr_s% > 0)							! if something still on the stack
		print	" ";format$(ptr_s%,"##### ")+				&
		    format$(linenum(ptr_s%),"######## ")+			&
		    format$(statem$(ptr_s%),"'LLLLLLLLLLLLLL " );
		select statem$(ptr_s%)
		    case "IF"
			print "msg: missing END-IF for line ";str$(linenum(ptr_s%))
		    case "THEN"
			print "msg: missing END-IF for line ";str$(linenum(ptr_s%))
		    case "ELSE"
			print "msg: missing END-IF for line ";str$(linenum(ptr_s%))
		    case else
		end select
		ptr_s% = ptr_s% - 1						!
	    next								!
	end if
	!	<<< adios >>>
	close #1
	when error in
	    while 1
		kill k_program+".scratch"
	end when