OpenVMS Source Code Demos


$	set noon
$! Title  :
$! Author : Neil S. Rieck
$! Created: 2012-04-19
$! Notes  : this is just a fragment of
$	say :== write sys$output
$	say "-i-STARTING script: "+f$environment("PROCEDURE")
$	trace	= 0					! 0=normal, 1=trace
$	if (trace .eq. 1)				!
$	then						!
$		say "-i-diverting output to log file"	!
$		def sys$output systartup_vms.log	!
$		logflag = 1				!
$	else						!
$		logfile = 0				!
$	endif						!
$	my_node = f$getsyi("NODENAME")			!
$	say "-i-node: ",my_node				!
$!	snip snip snip
$!	--- define special logicals for TCPware ---
$	def/sys	TCPWARE_FTP_ANONYMOUS_ROOT	DISK$CSMIS3:[HTTPD.FTP]		! for contractor access
$	def/sys TCPWARE_FTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT	"0 00:00:59"			! we want  59 seconds
$	def/sys TCPWARE_SFTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT	"0 00:00:59"			! we want  59 seconds
$	def/sys TCPWARE_FTP_WINDOW		32700				!
$!	--- define a special MFD for use with account "Ict_Ftp" ---
$	def/sys/exec	csmis$ict_ftp	csmis$root4:[csmis_ict_ftp]		! logical used by application software
$	target	= "DISK$USER4:"							! this logical must point to a mounted disk
$	junk1 = target + "[]"				! MFD trick
$	junk2 = target + "[csmis.csmis_ict_ftp]"				!
$	def/sys/exec/tran=con	csmis_Ict_Ftp_Root	'junk1'			! need this for DEFAULT: in authorize
$	def/sys/exec		csmis_Ict_Ftp		'junk2'			! need this for LGICMD: in authorize
$!	reference:
$!	TCPWARE_FTP_<username>_ROOT
$	def/sys tcpware_ftp_csmis_ict_ftp_root	csmis_ict_ftp_root:[000000]	! don't let ftp change to another directory
$!	TCPWARE_SFTP_<username>_ROOT
$	def/sys tcpware_sftp_csmis_ict_ftp_root	csmis_ict_ftp_root:[000000]	! don't let sftp change to another directory
$	if (logfile .eq. 1)					!
$	then							!
$		deas sys$output					! close log file
$		logfile = 0					!
$	endif							!
$	say "-i-EXITINGING script: "+f$environment("PROCEDURE")	!
$	exit							!