OpenVMS Source Code Demos
! title :
! author : Neil Rieck ( )
! created: 2011-04-06
! notes : note: for this peek trick to work, we must...
! 1. declare LONG BY VALUE passing mechanism in the calling program (we are using 32-bit
! addresses in this 64-bit computer) like so:
! external basic$quadword function wcsm_peek_quad( long by value )
! 2. declare basic$quadword BY REF passing mechanism in actual function
! ver who when what
! --- --- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 100 NSR 20110414 1. original work (a spare time effort)
function basic$quadword wcsm_peek_Quad(basic$quadword incomming by ref) ! quad function receives quad address
option type=explicit !
%include "starlet" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! system services (and basic$quadword)
wcsm_peek_Quad = incomming ! exit with this value
end function !

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.