OpenVMS Source Code Demos
!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
! Title : wcsm_submit_to_batch
! Author : Neil Rieck
! Created: 94.02.28
! History:
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 100 NSR 940228 1. original work
! NSR 940314 2. added EDIT$ to parameters
! NSR 940315 3. removed EDIT$ from parameters and now pass double quotes with xtra space
! NSR 940420 4. changed the map size from 40 to 15
! NSR 000502 5. added trace code to find a potential OpenVMS 7.2 problem bf_trace
! 6. changed mapped string lengths from 255 to 80
! (this will reduce the run-time memory requirements of this function by 2100 bytes)
! NSR 040528 7. changed mapped string lengths from 80 to 132 (we're on Alpha now so this is no big deal)
! NSR 061117 8. changed trace file directory from csmis$msg: to csmis$dat:
! NSR 070709 9. changed mapped string lengths from 132 to 255 (the 132-character limit was tuncating the
! mailing address list in EXPRESSVU PUBLIC VIEWING)
function long wcsm_submit_to_batch( string queue_name$ ,&
file_spec$ ,&
log_spec$ ,&
user_name$ ,&
p1$ ,&
p2$ ,&
p3$ ,&
p4$ ,&
p5$ ,&
p6$ ,&
p7$ ,&
p8$ )
option type=explicit !
%if %Variant < 99% %then ! production
%include "[.inc]" ! the name says it all
%else ! development
%include "[]" ! the name says it all
%end %if
declare SysItems SjcBuf(15) ! 0-15
declare IosbRec SjcIosb ! our SndJbc iosb
map(wcsm_submit_to_batch_map) &
string queue_name = 255 ,&
user_name = 255 ,&
file_spec = 255 ,&
log_spec = 255 ,&
parameter_1 = 255 ,&
parameter_2 = 255 ,&
parameter_3 = 255 ,&
parameter_4 = 255 ,&
parameter_5 = 255 ,&
parameter_6 = 255 ,&
parameter_7 = 255 ,&
parameter_8 = 255 ,&
queue_name_copy = 255 ,&
long entry_num% ,&
sys_rc% ,&
queue_name = queue_name$ ! xfer dynamic strings to fixed
queue_name_copy = queue_name$ ! bf_trace
user_name = user_name$ !
file_spec = file_spec$ !
log_spec = log_spec$ !
declare string constant dquote = '34'C ! double quote
! notes:
! 1. we must quote the data so we can pass certain kinds of punctuation to the batch job
! 2. when we pass a blank field DCL will dump the double quotes so we must always include a space
parameter_1 = dquote + p1$ + " " + dquote
parameter_2 = dquote + p2$ + " " + dquote
parameter_3 = dquote + p3$ + " " + dquote
parameter_4 = dquote + p4$ + " " + dquote
parameter_5 = dquote + p5$ + " " + dquote
parameter_6 = dquote + p6$ + " " + dquote
parameter_7 = dquote + p7$ + " " + dquote
parameter_8 = dquote + p8$ + " " + dquote
SjcBuf( 0%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(queue_name, 128%) ) ! pass the desired queue name length
SjcBuf( 0%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_queue !
SjcBuf( 0%)::BuffAddr = LOC( queue_name ) ! pass the desired queue name address
SjcBuf( 0%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 1%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(file_spec, 128%) ) ! pass the desired file name length
SjcBuf( 1%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_File_Specification !
SjcBuf( 1%)::BuffAddr = LOC( file_spec ) ! pass the desired file name address
SjcBuf( 1%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
if len( edit$(log_spec,128%) ) <> 0% then ! if a log file was spec'd...
SjcBuf( 2%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(log_spec,128%) ) ! log file name
SjcBuf( 2%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_Log_Specification ! log file
SjcBuf( 2%)::BuffAddr = LOC( log_spec ) !
SjcBuf( 2%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 2%)::BuffLen = 0% !
SjcBuf( 2%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_No_Log_Specification ! NO log file
SjcBuf( 2%)::BuffAddr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 2%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
end if
SjcBuf( 3%)::BuffLen = 0% ! we do NOT want a printed log (ever)
SjcBuf( 3%)::ItemCode = sjc$_No_Log_Spool !
SjcBuf( 3%)::BuffAddr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 3%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 4%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_1,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 4%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_1 !
SjcBuf( 4%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_1 ) !
SjcBuf( 4%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 5%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_2,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 5%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_2 !
SjcBuf( 5%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_2 ) !
SjcBuf( 5%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 6%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_3,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 6%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_3 !
SjcBuf( 6%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_3 ) !
SjcBuf( 6%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 7%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_4,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 7%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_4 !
SjcBuf( 7%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_4 ) !
SjcBuf( 7%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 8%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_5,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 8%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_5 !
SjcBuf( 8%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_5 ) !
SjcBuf( 8%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf( 9%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_6,128%) ) !
SjcBuf( 9%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_6 !
SjcBuf( 9%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_6 ) !
SjcBuf( 9%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf(10%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_7,128%) ) !
SjcBuf(10%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_7 !
SjcBuf(10%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_7 ) !
SjcBuf(10%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
SjcBuf(11%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(Parameter_8,128%) ) !
SjcBuf(11%)::ItemCode = sjc$_Parameter_8 !
SjcBuf(11%)::BuffAddr = loc( Parameter_8 ) !
SjcBuf(11%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
i% = 11% ! i% now points to last used subscript
if len( edit$(user_name,128%) ) <> 0% then ! if a USER NAME was spec'd...
i% = i% + 1% ! advance subscript
SjcBuf( i%)::BuffLen = len( edit$(user_name,128%) ) ! length of username string
SjcBuf( i%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_Username !
SjcBuf( i%)::BuffAddr = LOC( user_name ) ! address of username string
SjcBuf( i%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% !
end if
!~~~ i% = i% + 1% x advance subscript
!~~~ SjcBuf( i%)::BuffLen = 4% x variable 'entry_num%' is 4 bytes (long)
!~~~ SjcBuf( i%)::ItemCode = Sjc$_Entry_Number_Output x we want the job entry number
!~~~ SjcBuf( i%)::BuffAddr = LOC( entry_num% ) x pass the address of 'entry_num%'
!~~~ SjcBuf( i%)::RtnLenAdr = 0% x we don't care how many bytes were returned
i% = i% + 1% ! advance subscript
SjcBuf( i%)::LIST_TERMINATOR = 0% ! end of list...
sys_rc% = sys$sndjbcw( , ! submit and WAIT &
sjc$_Enter_File , ! function &
, ! &
SjcBuf() , ! &
SjcIosb::quad_0 , ! &
, ! &
declare string junk$ ! bf_trace
junk$ = "" ! bf_trace
if (sys_rc% and 1%) <> 1% then ! if an error during submit...
wcsm_submit_to_batch = sys_rc% ! then pass back that RC
junk$ = "> trace 98-rc "+ str$(sys_rc%) +"<>"+ ! bf_trace &
queue_name$ +"<>"+ &
file_spec$ +"<>"+ &
log_spec$ +"<>"+ &
user_name$ +"<->"+ &
p1$ +"<>"+ &
p2$ +"<>"+ &
p3$ +"<>"+ &
p4$ +"<>"+ &
p5$ +"<>"+ &
p6$ +"<>"+ &
p7$ +"<>"+ &
else ! else submit was ok...
if (SjcIosb::job_status and 1%) <> 1% then ! so now test the job status
wcsm_submit_to_batch = SjcIosb::job_status !
junk$ = "> trace 99-js "+str$(SjcIosb::job_status)+">"+ ! bf_trace &
queue_name$ +"<>"+ ! view incoming variables &
file_spec$ +"<>"+ ! '' &
log_spec$ +"<>"+ ! '' &
user_name$ +"<->"+ ! '' &
edit$(queue_name,128%) +"<>"+ ! view internal variables &
edit$(file_spec ,128%) +"<>"+ ! '' &
edit$(log_spec ,128%) +"<>"+ ! '' &
edit$(user_name ,128%) +"<->"+ ! '' &
edit$(queue_name_copy,128%) +"<" ! is the system call clobering the original?
else !
wcsm_submit_to_batch = 1% ! VMS success (-s-)
end if !
end if !
if junk$ <> "" then ! could this be an OpenVMS-7.2 problem ? bf_trace
when error in !
open "csmis$dat:zzz_neil_submit_trace.txt" as #109, access append, allow modify
margin #109, 130 !
print #109, "wcsm_submit_to_batch: ";junk$ !
use !
end when !
close #109 !
end if !
end function !

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.