OpenVMS Source Code Demos
! title : [.inc]
! author : Neil Rieck
! created : 2014-08-15
! history :
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 108 NSR 140905 1. derived from TCPIP$TCP_CLIENT_QIO_2014E.INC
! 109 NSR 140930 1. added a declaration for nsr_dns_ghnt (get host name + type)
! system references
%include "starlet" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! system services
%include "$ssdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! ss$
%include "$iodef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! io$
%include "$efndef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! efn$
%include "lib$routines" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! lib$
%include "$libdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! eg. lib$_normal
%include "$dscdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! descriptor stuff
%include "$iledef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" ! ile3$ (Item List Entry 3 structures)
!~~~ %include "sys$common:[tcpware.include]ucx$inetdef.h" x candidate for conversion to BASIC
!~~~ %include "sys$library:ucx$inetdef.bas" x ucx defs (for tcpip < v5.0)
%include "sys$library:tcpip$inetdef.bas" ! tcpip defs (for tcpip >= v5.0)
!~~~ %include "$iosbdef" %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet" x iosb$ (iosb structures)
! I need the following iosb to get around a limitation found in the BASIC version of starlet
! (the library definition of sys$qio requires a quad datatype for iosb)
! question : How did I know?
! answer : Hacking
! reference:
record my_iosb_rec !
variant !
case ! vanilla
group a !
word iosb$w_status !
word iosb$w_bcnt !
long iosb$l_dev_depend !
end group !
case ! used in sys$getqui
group b !
long iosb$l_getxxi_status !
long iosb$l_reserved !
end group !
case ! used to satisfy the compiler
group c !
basic$quadword iosb$bqw_quad !
end group !
case !
group d !
word iosb$w_words(3) ! 0-3; easier to pass this on the stack
end group !
case !
group e !
quad iosb$q_quad ! easier to pass this on the stack
end group !
end variant !
end record !
record sc_rec ! socket characteristics
group a
word sc$w_prot ! protocol
byte sc$b_type ! type
byte sc$b_af ! address family
end group !
case !
group b !
word sc$w_words(1) ! 0-1; easier to pass this on the stack
end group !
group c !
quad sc$q_quad !
end group !
end variant !
end record !
record my_itmlst2_rec ! item-list 2 descriptor
word il2$w_length ! length
word il2$w_type !
long il2$l_address !
end record !
! NCV ("NSR Connection Variables" a.k.a. "Network Connection Variables")
! think object - although such a concept is not possible with this BASIC
record ncv_rec !
long tcp_ef !
long tcp_ef_state !
long tmr_ef !
long tmr_ef_state !
long mask !
long ip_address !
word tcp_port !
word vms_channel !
long nvt_cycle !
long nvt_total_msgs_received !
long nvt_total_bytes_sent !
my_iosb_rec iosb ! i/o status block
sc_rec cscb ! connection socket characteristics buffer
variant ! serv_addr block
case !
group a !
SOCKADDRIN serv_addr ! server socket address from inet structure
end group !
case !
group b !
quad ccb$q_quad !
end group !
case !
end variant !
my_itmlst2_rec serv_itemlst !
end record !
! octet stuffing is more efficient than doing 32-bit math
! (if we ever go to IPv6 then it may be the only way forward)
record stuffer32_rec !
group a
long long_offset00 ! octet 0 stuffs here
long fill !
end group
group b !
byte fill ! octet 1 stuffs here
long long_offset08 !
byte fill !
byte fill !
byte fill !
end group
group c !
byte fill !
byte fill !
long long_offset16 ! octet 2 stuffs here
byte fill !
byte fill !
end group
group d !
byte fill !
byte fill !
byte fill !
long long_offset24 ! octet 3 stuffs here
byte fill !
end group !
group e !
quad quad0 ! quad pulled from here
end group !
end variant
end record
! home brewed code
! external long function htonl(long) x host to network long
! external long function htons(word) x host to network short
! external long function qtol(quad) x quad to long
external long function get_ef_bit_vector(long) ! required for used with SYS$WFLOR
external long function nsr_tcp_prep(long, ncv_rec )
external long function nsr_tcp_open(long, ncv_rec, long, word, string )
external long function nsr_tcp_send(long, ncv_rec, string, long, string )
external long function nsr_tcp_recv(long, ncv_rec, string, long, long, string )
external long function nsr_tcp_clos(long, ncv_rec )
external long function nsr_tcp_free(long, ncv_rec )
external long function nsr_dns_prep(long, ncv_rec )
external long function nsr_dns_ghbn(long, string, long, string, long dim() by ref, string )
external long function nsr_nvt_scan(long, ncv_rec, string, long, string, string, long, long )
external long function nsr_adr_prep(long,string,string,long )
external long function nsr_dns_ghnt(long, string, string, long, string, long dim() by ref, string)
! title : [.inc]
! author : Neil Rieck
! created: 2007-07-30
! history:
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 100 NSR 070730 1. original effort (dervived from file "csmis$")
! see RFC-764, RFC-731 and RFC-854
! notes:
! 1. this is a partial list
! 2. used a "k" prefix ("k"=constant because "c"=char; maybe we should use "t"=TELNET).
! 3. Google this string for more information: "telnet iac sb se 250 240 nvt"
! 4. some of these numbers came from telnet.h (8.2 Berkeley)
declare long constant kWILL = 251 ,! Sender "requests to begin" or "confirms" something &
kWONT = 252 ,! Demands to stop or not start something &
kDO = 253 ,! Requests other side to begin or confirm &
kDONT = 254 ,! Demands other side to stop &
kIAC = 255 ,! I/nterpret A/s C/ommand &
kSB = 250 ,! sub command &
kGA = 249 ,! go ahead (roger; you may reverse the line) &
kNOP = 240 ,! no operation &
kSE = 240 ,! sub end &
kEOR = 239 ,! end-of-record &
kBINARY = 0 ,! binary transmission &
kECHO = 1 ,! &
kSGA = 3 ,! supress go-ahead &
kMSG_SIZ_NEG = 4 ,! approx message size negotiation &
kSTATUS = 5 ,! &
kTIMING_MARK = 6 ,! &
kLOGOUT = 18 ,! &
kBM = 19 ,! Byte Macro &
kDET = 20 ,! Data Entry Terminal &
kSUPDUP = 21 ,! &
kSUPDUP_OUT = 22 ,! &
kSEND_LOCATION = 23 ,! &
kTERM_TYPE = 24 ,! &
kOPTION_EOR = 25 ,! end-of-record (the option number, not the signal) &
kTUID = 26 ,! TACACS user identification &
kOutput_Marking = 27 ,! &
kTerm_Loc_Number= 28 ,! &
kWINDOW_SIZE = 31 ,! a.k.a. NAWS (negotiate about window size) &
kTERM_SPEED = 32 ,! &
kLINE_MODE = 34 ,! &
kXDISPLAY_LOC = 35 ,! &
kOLD_ENVIRON = 36 ,! &
kNEW_ENVIRON = 39 ,! &
kTN3270E = 40 ,! &
kSEND = 1 ,! SEND TT (RFC-1091) &
kIS = 0 ! IS TT (RFC-1091)

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.