OpenVMS Source Code Demos
! title :
! author : Neil Rieck
! purpose: remove so-called percent encoding
! ver who when what
! --- --- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
! 100 NSR 110419 1. original effort
function string wcsm_url_decode(string inbound$) !
option type=explicit !
declare string constant hex_string$ = "0123456789ABCDEF" !
declare long x%, y%, i%, j%, handler%, &
string in$, uc$, out$ !
out$ = "" ! init
in$ = inbound$ !
! replace plus signs with spaces
x% = pos(in$, '+', 1) ! locate '+'
if x% > 0 then ! if we found one...
mid$(in$, x%, 1) = ' ' ! replace with a space
goto strip_plus_sign ! look for more
end if !
! dehexify (eg. %0d -> chr$(13) )
! in$ = "12345%0d67890%0d12345"
! ^ ^
! | +--- y%
! +--------- x%
uc$ = edit$(in$, 32) ! upcase for hex scan
x% = 0 ! previous position of '%'
dexify_loop: !
y% = pos(uc$, '%', x% + 1) ! locate '%'
if y% = 0 then ! if no more found...
out$ = out$ + seg$(in$, x%+1, len(in$)) ! scoop up thru to end
else ! if found...
out$ = out$ + seg$(in$, x%+1, y%-1%) ! scoop up data up to '%'
when error in !
i% = pos(hex_string$, mid$(uc$, y%+1, 1), 1) ! isolate char 1 and enumerate
j% = pos(hex_string$, mid$(uc$, y%+2, 1), 1) ! isolate char 2 and enumerate
if (i% = 0) or (j% = 0) then !
out$ = out$ + '%' !
x% = y% ! slide pointer forward (1-1=0)
goto dexify_loop !
end if !
i% = (i% - 1) * 16 ! adjust tens digit
j% = (j% - 1) ! adjust ones digit
out$ = out$ + chr$(i% + j%) ! replace %xy with equiv replacement character
x% = y% + 2 ! slide pointer forward (3-1=2)
goto dexify_loop !
use !
handler% = err ! oops
print "-e-url_decode-error: "+str$(err) !
end when !
end if !
wcsm_url_decode = out$ !
end function !

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.