Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Caveat: This demo occasionally breaks at this hobbyist site. If you notice any problems then please send me an email
Update: This demo broke after I migrated this system from CentOS7 to AlmaLinux8 (via ELevate) which introduced a new version of Apache. While cgi
scripting continued to work via http, it failed via https).
Additional information for inquiring minds
- Overview
- The Diffie-Hellman algorithm occurs as part of the symmetric key cryptography
handshake (the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt). Think about a cell-door lock seen in western movieswhere one key is used to both lock and unlock.
- Eve, the eavesdropper can see a few things (RED) which could be a worrisome for those people who think that a super computer could be used to
play along.
- However, if this handshake is concealed by asymmetric key cryptography (also
known as public key cryptography) where a pubic key (which is derived from the server's certificate) is used to encrypt (lock), but a private key is
used to decrypt (unlock), then Eve will see no part of the symmetric handshake.
- Why not use asymmetric keys all the time?
- first off, asymmetric key cryptography is CPU intensive while symmetric key cryptography is much less so.
- secondly, there is an added benefit to using two levels of obfuscation.
- Source Code: