Guaranteed Human Life Extension

Quantity as well as quality.
This is not a cult, joke, or scam but it will cost you a tiny little bit.
($6.00 per month in utility costs)

I assert that...
  1. This information is totally free of charge. I am not asking for any money and I'm not selling anything.
  2. If you act upon this information, you will increase the length and quality of human life. Guaranteed!
  3. This is not a cult, joke, or scam, but the effort will cost you a tiny bit. ($6.00 per month in utility costs)
  4. The amount of life extension you will receive depends upon how much of your life remains (younger people will receive more; older people will receive less; but everyone will receive some positive number). Provided you are currently healthy and will die of natural causes, acting upon this information will increase your remaining life by a Life Extension Factor greater than one but less than two.
    Yaddl = Yrem x LEF

     Yaddl: Years additional
     Yrem : Years remaining
     LEF  : Life Extension Factor
    (2.0 > LEF > 1.0)
  5. Acting upon this information will not only lengthen the life of you and your family members, it will help all of humanity.
  6. I'm already doing this and if you help me, your efforts will be added to mine.
  7. If you convince your friends, relatives, and co-workers to act upon this information then we will all benefit.
    I realize this is "collective thinking" but a similar argument could be made about American tax payers sending twelve Apollo astronauts to the Moon between 1969 and 1972. It just wasn't possible any other way.
    The American Moonshot was directly responsible for developing technology that shifted humanity from mainframes to minicomputers then microcomputers (a.k.a. PCs) then tablets then phones. Minicomputers were used to create the first functional packet switching network, known as ARPAnet, in 1969. Thirteen years later the current (TCP/IP) internet was born, then the world-wide-web, then cloud computing. The human genome project would not be possible without any of these technologies so where would humanity be had not the Americans done the moon shot?

*** The Big Secret is Revealed ***

Research via Computational Biology

  1. It is no secret that the personal computer you are sitting at right now is doing nothing 90% of the time. With typical clock speeds of 2.5 Gigahertz, your computer could be working on something else while you read an email or web page. In fact, your computer could be working on something else during the time it waits between tapping keys on your keyboard.

    Note: One Gigahertz is "one billion" cycles per second; that is the number one followed by nine zeroes

    Update: modern computers built after 2005 usually have multiple core processors. For example, Intel's Core i7 chip, first introduced in 2008, has four CPUs (counted as eight if hyper threading is enabled).
  2. Many diseases like this short list...
        CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
        Huntington's Disease
        Osteogenesis Imperfecta
    ...have been associated with mis-folded proteins in your body. Misfolded protein are sometimes be caused by accumulated genetic damage (triggered by viruses, radiation, etc.), inheriting defective genes, or ingesting toxic proteins like BSE (mad-cow disease) from infected meat.

  3. If researchers knew more about misfolded proteins, the knowledge would enable them to develop medicines which could slow, or stop, many disease processes. I don't want to get your hopes too high so I now need to point out that it may never be possible to reverse damage already done.

    (Note: if it were possible to stop Alzheimer's Disease, other medicines would be still be required to stimulate the replaced damaged tissue; this is currently a very controversial subject and the only biotech solution I'm aware of involves bioengineering based upon fetal stem-cell research.)

    Alternatively, it might be possible to produce drugs which will enable your genes to "kill tumors" or "enhance your immune system". (most DNA segments are coiled-up which means the associated genes are switched-off; certain proteins, known as enzymes, can uncoil DNA and then switch-on disabled self-defense genes).

    (Note: It must also be mentioned that large tumors release hormones (protein-based messages) which causes neighboring tumors to suppress their own growth (this is one reason why removing a large tumor can sometimes make things worse). So imagine a future cancer treatment which involves either "stimulating your own body's defenses to suppress all tumor growth" or "just injecting an artificial tumor growth suppression hormone")

  4. Remembering that no human has ever directly observed any kind of molecule (including the simple H2O water molecule) with any kind of microscope, researchers currently must use computers to analyze how protein molecules might physically fold (or misfold) in 3-d space over time.

  5. Believe it or not, protein analysis is one of the most difficult computational problems in academia today. In fact, astronomical simulations involving "planetary motion" or "galaxy collisions" are child's-play by comparison.

  6. More surprising is the fact that commercially manufactured supercomputers are woefully inadequate for protein analysis. However, researchers at Stanford University (folding-at-home) and Berkley (BOINC) have developed software which will turn our mostly do-nothing personal computers into a resultant system that exceeds the computational power of any commercially available product by many multiples. Their software only runs when your computer is not doing anything so you'll never know when it is active.

  7. All you need to do is download, install, then run Stanford's folding@home software (or Berkley's BOINC software then download one or more biology clients like: Rosetta-at-home, POEM-at-home, or Docking-at-home)

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Should I leave my computer turned on when I'm not using it?

Won't this drive up my utility payments?

What else can I do?

Additional advice for computer nerds

How will I know if my life has been extended?

Won't these discoveries be made anyway without our help?

Will these discoveries immediately translate into medical treatments?

Won't our computer contributions be "just a drop in the bucket"?

What would God think of this?

I believe that God would expect and approve of us doing this for the following reasons:

  1. Natural human Life Expectancy (life in-the-wild without modern tools or technology) averages 40 years.
  2. Improvements in many areas including...
    1. agriculture and nutrition
    2. refrigeration of food, public sanitation, personal hygiene 
    3. pharmacology, especially vaccines and antibiotics
    4. medicine and surgery
    5. education
    6. replacing theocracy with democracy (individually, we are idiots but collectively we are much smarter)
    ...have contributed to extending human life to an average value of 80 years
  3. Maximum Lifespan is currently observed to be 115 years.
  4. It seems to me that God has given us intelligence and language in order to collaborate on problems like this. He has made us social creatures and has always wanted us to join together peacefully in order to solve problems collectively (this has certainly worked in the case of the internet). Perhaps an extra 40 years is a bonus to humanity for following his wishes.
    (now if we could only convince the other idiots of our race to put and end to dumb things like war, religious intolerance, and suicide bombings)
  5. Unlike other Life Extension schemes, folding@home appears to be more than wishful thing or science fiction. It is here and it is now. All we need to do is get on board.
  6. It's in the bible. Remember only one of the two trees was forbidden.
    Genesis 2
    8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
    9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

But if God really want to shorten your life he could trigger an aneurysm by flicking away a few cells in your brain.

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.