Hacker Perspective: (some) Geometric Ideas

extrapolations from the 1884 book Flatland (and Lineland and Spaceland) by schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott

  1. first imagine a single point in three dimensional space (also known as 3-d space)
    • what three dimensions? These are the three spatial dimensions (x, y, z) of the Cartesian coordinate system invented by René Descartes
    • this point is a mental construct with zero dimensions of its own. This is easy if we are talking about a location. This is a little more difficult if we are thinking about a pencil point where the illusion is ruined by a magnifying glass.
  2. moving a single point in any direction of 3-d space will trace out a line (two end points; one line).
    • line is the name of a new higher dimensional item.
  3. moving a line (perpendicularly to the previous direction) will trace out a square (four points; four lines; one plane).
    • square (or plane) is the name of a higher dimension item. Is the plane one surface or two? Hmmm...
  4. moving a square (perpendicularly) will trace out a cube (eight points, twelve lines, 6 planes)
    • cube is the name of a new higher dimensional item
  5. moving a cube in 3-d space or 4-d space will trace out a hyper-cube
    • many people have speculated that time can be considered a fourth dimension but we all know that time is not spatial. But Einstein's "theory of gravity" (also known as the theory of relativity) speaks of space-time as a real thing. Hmmm...
  6. Related thoughts:
    • Abbott describes what a citizen of flatland might see if a 3-d sphere passed through Flatland: "a point would appear; which would become a line; which would lengthen then contract back to a point before disappearing from view".
      • Now think about about a single coil spring (like one of the two pictured pictured to the right) pushed through flatland: "a point would appear; then it would oscillate 10 times; then it would disappear".
      • Pulling the spring back would make the oscillation appear to reverse direction.
      • Pushing a spring wound in the opposite direction would also appear to reverse direction.
      • I have often wondered if something similar could be adapted to properly explain Electromagnetism in our world without resorting to Maxwell's Laws
Object Name object
cubes hypercubes   unfolded
  Progression of a dot:             Unfolded:          
1 point 0 1 - - - -  - - - - - -
2 line 1 2 1 - - - point 0 2/1 - - -
3 square 2 4 4 1 - - line segments/line 1 5/2 4/1 - -
4 cube 3 8 12 6 1 - flat cross 2 14 19 (6) -
5 hypercube (Tesseract) 4 16 ? 32 ?  20 or 24 ? 8 ? 1 8 cubes on a cross 3 36 44 40/29 8
  Other Stuff:                        
  3 sided pyramid (Tetrahedron) 3 4 6 4 - - 4 triangles 2 6 9 (4) -
  4 sided pyramid 3 5 8 5 - - 4 triangles, 1 square 2 8 12 (5) -
  5 sided pyramid 3 6 10 6 - - 5 triangles, 1 pentagon 2 10  15 (6) -
  Octahedron 3 6 12 8 - - 8 triangles 2 10  17 (8) -
  Dodecahedron 3 20 30 12 - - 12 triangles 2 38  49 (12) -
  Icosahedron 3 12 30 20 - - 20 triangles 2 22 31 (20) -
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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.